Artwork by Anna McIldowie. Humour by Friends of Lorne
Should Friends of Lorne be engaged in reviewing residential planning applications? Lorne has a Neighbourhood Character Overlay which in theory, the Council uses to knock back planning proposals that are too bulky, take up too much of the block, are too high or remove too much vegetation. In practice, they rely on the number of objections as a guide to community tolerance of development that is out-of-character with the recessive coastal vibe.
The trouble is, neighbours are often loathe to object, even if they want to. So Friends of Lorne is giving consideration to reviewing every planning application. As these articles explain, our main interest is the preservation of native vegetation, wildlife corridors, and built form which is recessive in the landscape.
What do you think? Let us know at Our neighbouring town organisation, the Aireys Inlet and District Association, has been doing it for years with a high degree of community support. But it would be a new step for us and not without a downside.