If you cannot attend, here’s the proxy form –Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Insert your name *If you have a family membership, insert name of another family member Appoint as my/our proxy either the President of the Friends of LornePresident of the Friends of LorneOr insert name of appointee (who must be a financial member of Friends of Lorne)Voting item 1. Accept minutes of last AGM October 2023 (check one box only) *ForAgainstAbstain (please abstain if you were not at the last AGM)Open (your proxy will decide for you)Voting item 2. Accept the financial statement for 2023/2024 (check one box only). *ForAgainstAbstainOpen (your proxy will decide for you)Voting item 3. Accept the President's report for 2023/2024 (check one box only). (copy) *ForAgainstAbstainOpen (your proxy will decide for you)Voting item 4. Accept that membership fees will be unchanged for the next membership year (check one box only) *ForAgainstAbstainOpen (your proxy will decide for you)Voting item 5. Accept that people applying for membership after 1 January in any year pay only half the full subscription fee (check one box only) *ForAgainstAbstainOpenVoting item 6. Accept that the total number of people on the Committee for the coming year be 5 (including President, Treasurer, Secretary). That is, we have two "ordinary" committee members. *ForAgainstAbstainOpenSubmit